Hopeless romantics don’t have to travel through time to find more heart-melting books like Outlander. Since Diana Gabaldon debuted the historical romance series in 1991, both readers and other authors have swooned. Audiences were captivated as Claire Randall, a...
Racing from year to year at lightning speed is the alluring premise behind wildly successful books about time travel. First popularized by H.G. Wells, time-traveling novels have become guilty reading pleasures for audiences to escape modern life for the past or...
The need for justice in society is obvious, but books about revenge dwell in the land where mere justice is not sufficient. Many books about revenge illustrate circumstances where the harm was so grievous and so personal that only a personal vengeance can satisfy the...
Since premiering in 2011, the HBO hit series Game of Thrones has attracted millions of international viewers and 26 Primetime Emmy Awards. Based on George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, the show has wrapped fantasy drama lovers up in a...
Novels about music give audiences the rare opportunity to satiate their hunger for both literature and music. Most are fictional works that weave page-flipping tales about a character’s relationship with producing his or her art. However, some nonfiction novels are...